My website is up, it is ranking, but no traffic! I am assuming my keywords are all wrong, but then again I could be wrong....I dont know! All I know is I have spent hours upon hours researching search engine optimization (SEO) and well I am officially scatter brained. Heres what I have learned:
1. Search engines love the heading tags
2. Search engines love good content
3. Search engines admire the unspamming webmasters
4. Search engines rank according to:
a. life of website (websites that are less than 6mo. old rank lower than those that are older)
b. content
c. keywords
d. meta tags
e. and headers
5. Search engines love blogs (because of the continuously updated content)
6. Search engines love internal and external links
Okay, so I have all that down and then some, soooooooooo..........what now? I have headers, I have meta tags, I have keywords, I have OKAY content............but I have read there is a difference between good and average links. The difference? I have no clue. I use stumbleupon, I have just recently started a ebay seller account, and have a 'me' page. I have blogs, all linking to my website........and I am clueless! One thing I know is this I should have left this to a pro....but I am in too deep now, I have to learn it for myself.
I will be checking in, and if you are a friend....check back to because I may go insane......LOL!
Sharply continental climate
1 hour ago